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Saturday 21 May 2016

Life's Heat

Far from an understanding of the norm in my findings
I am left bewildered at its redefinition to self by our minds
I met her rough, life almost squeezed out of her
Here I was so hot and heated up about life
I knew I liked her so much and wanted to be close
Try imagining the smile on my face when she gave me the same dose
We agreed taking the same prescription of the lovetocin
*So you smiled right here, Let's continue*
Now you smiled again
All of a sudden, she became wet with tears
Always crying cos she knew she was trying so hard
Little did she know I was only acting like my iron
I needed the tears to make her realise her errors
It would also help me straighten out areas that were difficult
And she wouldn't get burnt from the heat
Trust me, she came out smooth in the end
Amazing how we need to go through life's heat accompanied by our tears
Just because we need to be straightened out and come out better
I am glad God is the one controlling my life's heat
So I am sure whatever heat he brings my way is what I can handle
Are you ready to get under the heat?
I did already so don't ask me
But who is controlling your heat?

The Speaking Heart

For those who missed our previous post, here's the link

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